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Team HSO has over 50 members and we speed by all others and High Speeds.

1/9/02 ----- Forum Up and Running.

1/9/02 ----- Trucks Downloadable.

Everythings back in order!


HSO Members
I must sadly say that I, HSO~Prez~Beebs, must step down from leading the HSO team. I haven't been on in 1 month, and due to my dads dislike to the game I doubt that I will ever be on again. Your new prez, HSO~P~Insanity, is my friend and is taking full command of HSO. He will still accept suggestions from me for the team, as will every member, and I will still run the site. Goodbye everyone. Catch me on MSN if you really want to talk. Address is beebs109@hotmail.com. Long Live HSO!